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Prestige Trade Power: Mastering the Global Trade Network

Trade nodes form a global network where money flows between provinces. Each node represents a group of geographically related provinces, pooling the trade value generated from locally produced and incoming goods. Prestige Trade Power determines a country’s control over trade in a node, influencing how trade value is distributed. By mastering the dynamics of Prestige Trade Power, you can significantly impact your nation’s wealth and influence.

Understanding Trade Nodes: Prestige Trade Power

What Are Trade Nodes?

  • Trade nodes are the backbone of the global trade network, hosting trade activity for provinces.
  • Each node is connected to others, allowing money to flow unidirectionally between them until it terminates at end nodes.
  • These connections are fixed and remain unchanged during gameplay.

Which Nodes Are Important?

  • Every trade node is important, but some are more lucrative due to higher trade values and better connections.
  • Identifying key nodes to control can give you a strategic advantage.

How Do Trade Nodes Work?

  • Trade value within a node represents the monthly sum of locally produced and incoming trade goods.
  • This value is calculated from the quantity and price of goods in each province.
  • All provinces within a node contribute to its total trade value, which can be viewed in the trade tab and the trade map mode for detailed insights.

Maximizing Trade Value: Prestige Trade Power

What Is Trade Value?

  • Trade value is the combined worth of all goods produced and traded within a node.
  • It’s a crucial factor for determining the wealth generated from trade activities.

How Is Trade Value Calculated?

  • Trade value is calculated based on the quantity and price of goods produced in each province.
  • Higher production and better-priced goods increase the node’s total trade value.

Why Is Trade Value Important?

  • Higher trade value means more wealth flowing through the node, which can be controlled and directed by countries with strong Prestige Trade Power.

Harnessing Prestige Trade Power: Prestige Trade Power

What Is Prestige Trade Power?

  • Prestige Trade Power is a measure of a country’s control over trade in a node.
  • It determines how much influence a country has over the distribution of trade value within that node.

Which Factors Influence Prestige Trade Power?

  1. Provincial Trade Power: Each province contributes trade power based on its production and infrastructure.
  2. Modifiers: Various factors such as buildings, policies, and technologies can boost provincial trade power.
  3. Transfers from Traders Downstream: Influence trade flow from one node to another.
  4. Trade Companies: Establishing trade companies can significantly boost trade power.
  5. Protect Trade: Naval and military presence can enhance control in a node.
  6. Other Sources: Mercantilism, trade efficiency, and other modifiers play a role.

How to Increase Prestige Trade Power?

  1. Develop Provinces: Investing in province development increases their trade power contribution.
  2. Build Infrastructure: Construct buildings that enhance trade power, such as marketplaces and trade posts.
  3. Deploy Merchants: Position merchants strategically to steer trade and collect income.
  4. Form Trade Companies: Utilize trade companies to dominate key nodes.
  5. Enhance Naval Presence: Protect trade routes with a strong navy.

The Role of Merchants: Prestige Trade Power

Who Are Merchants?

  • Merchants are agents that can be assigned to nodes to influence trade value.
  • They play a crucial role in managing trade flow.

What Actions Can Merchants Perform?

  1. Steer Trade: Direct trade value from one node to another.
  2. Collect Trade: Gather trade income directly from a node.
  3. Transfer Trade Power: Boost trade power in a node by transferring influence.

How to Gain More Merchants?

  • Acquiring more merchants can be achieved through technology, policies, and certain trade-related achievements.

Where Can Merchants Operate?

  • Merchants have a trade range that determines the nodes where they can operate.
  • Expanding this range increases their utility.

Trade Modifiers and Their Impact:Prestige Trade Power

What Are Trade Modifiers?

  • Trade modifiers are factors that influence various aspects of trade power and income.
  • They can be global, domestic, or specific to certain actions.

Which Trade Modifiers Should You Focus On?

  1. Global Trade Power Modifier: Boosts overall trade power across all nodes.
  2. Merchant Bonus: Enhances merchant effectiveness in their assigned roles.
  3. Domestic Trade Power: Improves control within your country’s nodes.
  4. Trade Power Abroad: Increases influence in foreign nodes.
  5. Trade Steering: Guides the flow of trade value between nodes.
  6. Caravan Power: Relevant for land-based trade routes.
  7. Trade Efficiency: Optimizes the amount of trade income generated.

Embargo and Privateering: Prestige Trade Power

What Is an Embargo?

  • An embargo restricts a rival country’s trade power within a node, reducing their influence and income.

Why Use Privateering?

  • Privateering involves sending privateers to raid enemy trade, disrupting their trade routes and diminishing their income.

Strategies for Dominating Trade: Prestige Trade Power

How to Secure the Home Node?

  • Focus on building and protecting your primary trade hub.
  • This node should be your strongest, with maximum trade power and value.

Which Nodes to Expand Into?

  • Expand node by node, gradually increasing your control over the global trade network.
  • Prioritize nodes with high trade value and strategic connections.

Why Develop and Build?

  • Investing in province development and infrastructure boosts trade power and value, enhancing your overall trade dominance.


Understanding Prestige Trade Power and optimizing your strategy can significantly impact your nation’s wealth and influence. By mastering trade nodes, maximizing trade value, and harnessing trade power, you can become a dominant force in the global trade network.

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